Anne knew long before myself that I possessed a certain "eye" for what looks appealing in a photo..that is, how to make her appear especially sassy & svelte in a creative way. Although I was flattered by her confidence in me, it was still going to be a great challenge for me to believe that I could claim such a power. This was my very first "boudoir" photo shoot, yet I had absolutely no idea that years later, it would become my career. Being knee deep in the world of hair design would keep this dream in photography from materializing long after my first shoot with my best friend, Anne. I now look at my career in styling as an extended internship or the eternal college degree

, which unintentionally led me to the place I am today. I had worked with many photographers behind the scenes of shoots and fashion shows, learning how to make woman beautiful, unknowingly preparing me for my final destination, boudoir photography. Along the way I made many life long friendships in the beauty industry, one person in particular, my styling workmate Kathy, who one day approached me with an idea. She wanted to give a uniqu

e gift to her fiance for Valentines day, a sexy photo-shoot and wanted me to direct the whole operation along with our good friend Elena taking the photos ....Kathy & Elena also believed that I had an "eye" for what looks aesthetically pleasing in design. With a smirk and a "whatever" look in my eye, we ventured on to do our silly amateur photo shoot. With Elena at the helm photographing, me directing and our half naked model sprawled out on the floor, surrounded by velvety pillows and leopard print throws, we forged into our work. We were having a blast, laughing and carrying on like giddy teenage girls at a slumber party, as we applied make-up, curled hair and debated on which bra and panty set Kathy would wear. Motivated and focused, I ran around the house gathering up props, pushing furniture around and posing Kathy like a barbie doll while suddenly realising the great potential of this scenario becoming a business. The scenario reached the boundaries of every creative ability that I had a passion for, not to mention the searing level of female empowerment attached to the experience. Although Elena was doing a fantastic job, I still found myself fighting an overwhelming urge to be the photographer, I knew in that moment that this was the beginning of a new future for me, a future that involved many jobs rolled into one; Set design, hair styling, graphic design, fashion, photography and customer service, all of which I had been gaining knowledge in throughout the years. I even had a name for my new entrepreneurial venture already picked out....Bedroom Eyes Studio